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Kitchen Stock | December 2023

Cowboy approved recipes used by our favorite country cooks.

In the kitchen with Becky Matthews, Matthews Coach's Corral of Fair Grove, Mo.

Tell us about yourself.

"My husband, Edsel, and I have been married for 59 years. We have three children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. I spent the majority of my professional career working as a third-grade schoolteacher. The farm name of Matthews Coach’s Corral stems from Edsel’s long and successful career in athletics. He has close to four decades of experience in coaching and athletic administration. We are both retired and enjoy our time together and working on our registered cattle operation.

We operate a cattle herd that includes Simmental, SimAngus, and Red Angus. The small herd is comprised of high-performance females. At Matthews Coach’s Corral we retain a core group of genetically proven cows and use selective AI to produce quality animals for ourselves and our customers. The “must have” qualities we require our females to possess include strong EPDs, structural soundness, and excellent phenotype.

We sell most of our females and bulls via private treaty. Through the years we have developed a wonderful network of customers. In addition, we typically participate in the Missouri Simmental and Missouri Red Angus annual breed association consignment sales."

What is your favorite thing to make?

"My family loves my lasagna and it’s always a request for birthday celebrations. I make a big batch and my kids and grandkids always appreciate taking home any leftovers."

What is your least favorite job in the kitchen?

"My least favorite job in the kitchen is trying to come up with new recipe ideas."

What is your favorite cooking tip/trick?

"I try to find recipes that I can prepare before everyone arrives for family gatherings."

Where did you learn to cook?

"I learned to cook when Edsel and I first got married. It was just trial and error - thankfully he never complained."

Sale Offerings:

Sales by private treaty and consignments to breed association sales.

Photos courtesy Becky Matthews

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Bill Schermer, Owner/Herd Consultant
641.425.2641 |

Makayla Flower, Managing Editor
605.690.6050 |

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