Cowboy approved recipes used by our favorite country cooks.
In the kitchen with Keri Retallick, 2K Cattle Enterprises of Glen Haven, Wis.

Tell us about yourself.
"2K Cattle Enterprises was established in 1983 on the family farm that my husband, Kevin, grew up on. We were fortunate to raise three daughters, Keela, Kelsi, and Kelli, who are all still involved in agriculture and Angus cattle. We are excited to host our 26th annual Angus production sale featuring stout Angus bulls and females that are bred or with calves. We continue to use a balanced approach, building our herd with proven genetics. We collect performance data including carcass ultrasound data to enhance carcass quality, while taking advantage of genomics to give our customers the most information we can on sale day. We feature 2K Angus beef at our retail store called The Meat Schoppe in Lancaster, Wis., as well as in our daughter Kelsi’s restaurant, Madison Street Steakhouse & Grill. It is a true farm-to-table experience."
What is your favorite thing to make?
"BBQ – this was a staple at the girls’ birthday parties throughout the years. We now serve it for lunch at The Meat Schoppe."

What is your least favorite job in the kitchen?
"The clean-up."
What is your favorite cooking tip/trick?
"Use a meat thermometer. Don’t overcook that Angus steak."
Where did you learn to cook?
"From my mother-in-law, Ila. She was the ultimate cook and baker."

26th Annual Sale:
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Bloomington, Wis.
Photos courtesy Keri Retallick
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