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Kitchen Stock | October 2024

Cowboy approved recipes used by our favorite country cooks.

In the kitchen with MaryAnn Ward, Ward Brothers Livestock of Plattsburg, Mo.

Tell us about yourself.

"With my husband, Jack, and son, Carter, we own and operate Ward Brothers Livestock. We run 60 plus cows with the purpose of raising Angus show heifers. Our ultimate goal is for them to be competitive nationally. Our buyers compete on all levels, and we are proud that they choose our program to achieve their goals."

What is your most requested dish?

"A side dish that I make is my family’s baked corn (It’s a secret family recipe). Even people who don’t like corn enjoy it, both kids and adults."

What is your least favorite job in the kitchen?

"My least favorite job in the kitchen is dealing with the mess I made. I try to clean up as I go so the stack of pots, pans, and cutting boards isn’t too overwhelming at the end. A close second is coming up with something to cook each night for dinner."

What is your favorite cooking tip/trick?

"The friend or family member who is a good cook is a great person to connect with. It is just like everything else in life - keep learning and pushing yourself to expand and change. It makes life more interesting, and your cooking skills will profit."

Where did you learn to cook?

"I am still getting ideas and suggestions from my mother. I’m so lucky that she is a great cook and is a phone call or text away to discuss new and old recipes. I like recreating dishes that we have had in restaurants or meals that are not common to our part of the country. Finding a new side dish that my friends and family will enjoy at my house is fun.

In the past year, my friends and I have started a wine club. We all love coming up with pairings and trying new things we normally wouldn’t make for our families. Watching everyone in our group explore new recipes has been rewarding. The camaraderie is a bonus.

This time of year, I am cooking in bulk. We have many people around to help with sale preparation. It’s great! I love entertaining."

Upcoming Sale:

Saturday, November 2, 2024

4:00pm - Plattsburg, Mo.

Photos courtesy MaryAnn Ward

Learn more - "Ward Brothers Livestock"

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Bill Schermer, Owner/Herd Consultant
641.425.2641 |

Makayla Flower, Managing Editor
605.690.6050 |

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