Cowboy approved recipes used by our favorite country cooks.
In the kitchen with Krystal Kiser, Wilks Ranch of Eastland, Texas

Tell us about yourself.
"My name is Krystal Kiser, and I was born and raised in Alpine, Texas. I attended Tarleton State University, in Stephenville, Texas, where I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in education. I am married to Aaron Kiser, and we have two incredible kids together who continuously keep us on our toes. Kaylan is 18 years old and will be studying animal science as a freshman at Texas Tech University. Kazz is 6 years old and will be starting kindergarten. As a family, we enjoy spending time together in the show barn and ring. I have been very blessed to be able to be a stay-at-home mom where I try to juggle everything from homeschooling to house chores and show barn duties. Aaron is the Angus seedstock manager at Wilks Ranch, where he strives to supply the country with Angus cattle which traits showcase quality breeding and genetic superiority. He has been with Wilks Ranch since the seedstock program was started over 11 years ago. Wilks Ranch annually hosts a female and bull sale at their sale facility in Eastland, Texas. Wilks Ranch has blessed and provided us with so many opportunities over the years. As a family we have been truly honored to represent Wilks Ranch."
What is your most requested dish?
"My most requested dish is chicken fried steak and cream gravy. My family would love it if I made this once a week."
What is your least favorite job in the kitchen?
"My least favorite job in the kitchen is the cleaning up of everything. I dread it even before I make a big mess."

What is your favorite cooking tip/trick?
"My favorite cooking tip is simple but seems to be overlooked frequently: Read the recipe thoroughly before you start and ensure you have all the ingredients it calls for."
Where did you learn to cook?
"When I was little, I had no interest in learning how to cook. I was more interested in what was going on in the barn. Once I got married, I quickly realized that I would have to learn a thing or two. Over the years, I have had a lot of help from my mom, sister-in-law, and friends. I still find myself calling them and asking for advice and new recipes."
Upcoming Sales:
Female Sale: October 17, 2024, at 6:00 PM
Bull Sale: November 12, 2024, at 1:00 PM
Photos courtesy Krystal Kiser