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Straight Up | September 2022

A conversation with everyday Stockmen,

Roman Schooley of Bloomfield, Iowa.

About the Stockman.

"I am a third-generation sale barn operator. I started raising breeding stock cattle when I was 19 years old. My family has owned and operated, Bloomfield Livestock Market, for 53 years. My uncle, Phil Schooley, was inducted into the ICA Hall of Fame. My brother, Tyler, helps me operate the sale barn alongside by father, Ron. Tyler assists with the daily chores on the ranch with seedstock as well. I am grateful for Tyler, his wife, Kallie, and their three kids. We run 375 cows and implant between 150 to 190 embryos each spring. We plan to sell 85 bulls and 50 bred females in our February 2023 production sale. I have three children and they are a huge help during calving season. My wife, Liz, helps with the bookkeeping.”

What about the beef cattle industry excites you the most?

"Helping our commercial customers with forwarded-minded genetics to help produce the optimal bovine for the times. We want genetic progress while maintaining structural integrity. It’s our job as an auction market to lead our customers to a successful sale day. We couldn’t do what we love without them.”

Your favorite non-ranch activity to do in your free time?

"I love coaching baseball and playing golf. We are a bigtime sports family. Any sport we’re all in for a game – play ball!”

The most important lesson you’ve learned in this business?

"Always treat people fair and consistent. Be available at all times. Answer your phone or call back ASAP. Dad taught me this at an early age – relationships are key!”

Most used tool on your ranch and how old is it?

"Gary Gabel – He is our tool! He is 65 years young. He works every second he can and takes pride in our operation.”

Your go-to sorting apparatus?

"Hands and feet. We don’t use any sorting sticks, whips or paddles. We just go nice and slow with the cattle.”

What is your least favorite job on the farm?

"Entering data or balancing our time between sale barn and calving season. Somedays are a little hectic. But it always works out – thank God!”

Which animal (any species) has left the greatest impact on you?

"LLSF Pays to Believe. He was the reason we gained confidence to move our breeding forward. His impact over the years has helped many customers as well.”

Describe your best day.

"Best day is the day after your production sale and you’ve made another sale season. Relax for a moment, then get ready to start over!”

Schooley Cattle Bull Sale

February 3, 2023 At the Bloomfield Livestock Market - Bloomfield, Iowa

Photos courtesy Schooley Cattle

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Bill Schermer, Owner/Herd Consultant
641.425.2641 |

Makayla Flower, Managing Editor
605.690.6050 |

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